New Assortment of Gummies Now Available from Heal Again Co!

Sleep Again CBN Gummies
CBN is the #1 sleep aid in the cannabinoid world. It is a natural sedative used to promote a deeper, prolonged sleep with a clearer mind upon waking up. THC-FREE
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42 Nights Sleep Program Gummies
What The Experts Say:Avoid building a sleep aid tolerance, by using this Sleep Again 3 Phase System.
Take one gummy per night for each night of the program. Use Phase 1 for days 1-14. Then, use Phase 2 for days 15-28. Complete the program by using Phase 3 for days 29-42
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CBD Gummies
CBD stands for Cannabidiol. While providing a sense of harmony and wellness, CBD is not intoxicating, making it perfectly safe for you to incorporate into your daily regimen to help with discomfort relief, anxiety, inflammation and much more. THC FREE
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